User Feedback - Backend Architecture

The goal of this doc is to give engineers an in-depth, systems-level understanding of User Feedback. It will:

  1. describe the relevant ingestion pipelines, data models, and functions.
  2. explain the difference between “feedback”, “user reports”, and “crash reports”, and why we built and need to support each.

Creation sources

When broken down, there are 5 ways to create feedback 😵‍💫 in our system. (But if it helps, 4 are very similar!) A good reference is the FeedbackCreationSource(Enum) in The 4 ways clients can create feedback are:

NEW_FEEDBACK_ENVELOPE: The new format created by the Replay team when adding the User Feedback Widget to the JavaScript SDK. It allows adding more information, for example tags, release, url, etc.

USER_REPORT_ENVELOPE: The older format with name/email/comments, that requires event_id to link a Sentry error event.


CRASH_REPORT_EMBED_FORM: The crash report modal

How feedback is stored

On the backend, each feedback submission in Sentry's UI is an un-grouped issue occurrence, saved via the issues platform. The entrypoint is create_feedback_issue(), which

  1. filters feedback with empty or spam messages. Note anonymous feedbacks are not filtered (missing name and/or email).
  2. sends to issues pipeline in a standardized format. To make sure it is never grouped, we use a random UUID for the fingerprint.

Feedback events

The new and preferred way to send feedback from the SDK is as an event item, in a MessagePack'ed envelope. The item type is the same as errors, except the event type = "feedback". While user reports have an associated event, new feedback is an event. This offers 2 improvements:

  1. Users can submit generic feedback without an error occurring. The point of this feature is to allow users to catch things that Sentry can’t!
  2. Rather than waiting for the associated error to be ingested asynchronously, we immediately get access to context like the environment, platform, replay, user, tags...

The user's submission is wrapped in a context object:

event[”contexts”][”feedback”] = {
	"name": <user-provided>,
	"contact_email": <user-provided>,
	"message": <user-provided>,
	"url": <referring web page>,
	"source": <developer-provided, ex: "widget">

// all fields are technically optional, but recommended
// the widget can be configured to require a non-empty email and/or name
  • This doc refers to the payload format (event in the pseudo-code above) as a “feedback event”.
  • The feedback widget, which is installed by default, sends these envelopes.
  • API: for SDK v8.0.0+, we use the sendFeedback function.

Architecture diagram

diagram source

In Relay v24.5.1, we migrated feedback to its own kafka topic + consumer, ingest-feedback-events. This decouples risk and ownership from errors (ingest-events).


We only use attachments for the widget’s screenshot feature, which allows users to submit at most 1 screenshot per feedback. Attachments are another item type in an envelope.

  • SDK v8.0.0+, Relay v24.5.1+: Sends the feedback and attachment items in the same envelope.
  • SDK < v8, all Relay versions: Sends a separate envelope for each item.

The feedback pipeline does not process attachments. Relay routes them to a separate topic and storage, and the UI makes a separate request for them.

User reports

The deprecated way of sending feedback is as a user report. This is a simple typed dict:

user_report = {
	"event_id": <required UUID str>,
	"email": <optional str>,
	"name": <optional str>,
	"comments": <optional str>,

Architecture diagram

diagram source


Before it was extended to generic feedback, the UserReport model was first used for crash reports. Therefore an associated event ID is required, and we use it to set environment and group before saving the model to Postgres. Then we shim the report to a feedback event and pass it to create_feedback_issue().

If the event hasn’t reached eventstore (Snuba) by the time of ingest, we still save the report, but leave the environment + group empty and skip feedback creation.

To ensure the skipped reports eventually get fixed and shimmed to feedback, we added a post process job to the errors pipeline: link_event_to_user_report(). This is the 5th, automated way of creating feedback.


User reports are also sent to Relay in envelopes. This item type is mistakenly called “user feedback” in some of our docs, but the item header will read "user_report".

The SDK function that sends these is captureUserFeedback.

Django endpoint

Before our envelope ingest service existed, older SDKs directly POST the report to Sentry, with /api/0/projects/{organization_id_or_slug}/{project_id_or_slug}/user-feedback/.


Crash reports

The crash report modal is a Django view -- an HTML form your app can render when a page crashes. This was the earliest way of collecting feedback, and is for submitting feedback when Sentry detects an error. You can install it as an SDK integration.

URL: /api/embed/error-page/

Python Class: error_page_embed.ErrorPageEmbedView

Crash reports are also shimmed to feedback. The pipeline is very similar to the user report endpoint.

Email alerts

Email alerts are triggered in feedback issue’s post process pipeline. (Unrelated to the task in the user report diagram.) It’s the same alerts as generic, non-error issues, but we apply some feedback-specific filters. We skip emails if:

  1. The feedback is marked as spam AND the organizations.user-feedback-spam-filter-actions feature flag is enabled.
  2. The source is NOT a new feedback envelope / the widget, AND the “Crash Report Notifications” setting is disabled.
    • in UI: Settings > Projects > (project slug) > User Feedback > “Enable Crash Report Notifications”
    • project option in code: sentry:feedback_user_report_notifications
    • default = true/enabled
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